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Healthy Soils for Healthy Vineyards:  Event Resources

Thank you to all attendees who joined the Amador RCD, Calaveras County RCD, and Calaveras Winegrape Alliance for the June 26th Healthy Soils for Healthy Vineyards event at Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys, Calaveras County. 

Group of people outdoors, possibly on a farm tour, with trees and vineyard in the background.

Attendees heard presentations from conservation professionals, researchers, and industry experts, followed by a sustainability vineyard management discussion and tour with Stephen Kautz, President of Ironstone Vineyards.

Please find below presentations and resources shared at the event (plus more):

Presenters & Organizations:

Anna Mariscal - Healthy Soils Natural Resources Specialist, Amador Resource Conservation District (ARCD)

Margaret Smither-Kopperl - PMC Manager, USDA NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center

Nigel Dreksler - Business Development, Kamprath Seed

Daniel K. Macon - Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR)

Hanna Kahl - Ecological Pest Management Program Specialist, Community Alliance of Familly Farmers (CAFF)

Healthy Soils for Healthy Vineyards_Technical and Financial Assistance_Anna Mariscal.pptxCover Cropping for Vineyards_Margaret Smither-Kopperl.pdfCover Crops for Healthy Vineyards_Nigel Dreksler.pdfIncorporating Livestock in Foothill Vineyard Systems_Daniel K Macon.pptxEcological Pest Management with Community Alliance with Family_Hanna Kahl.pdf
Technical Assistance Resources
financial assistance programs & grants
Healthy Soils Program 

CDFA Healthy Soils Program – Incentives Grant - Direct to farmer grants from CDFA for the implementation of soil conservation practices

Regional Healthy Soils Program Block Grants - Direct to farmer grants from regional growers organizations and Resource Conservation Districts, funded by CDFA, for the implementation of soil conservation practices.

Climate Smart Agriculture 

CDFA State Water Efficiency & Enhancement Program (SWEEP)

  • SWEEP provides financial assistance in the form of grants to implement irrigation systems that reduce greenhouse gases and save water on California agricultural operations. Eligible system components include (among others) soil moisture monitoring, drip systems, switching to low pressure irrigation systems, pump retrofits, variable frequency drives and installation of renewable energy to reduce on-farm water use and energy.

Zero Food Print

  •  Restore Grants – Implementation of Carbon Sequestering Practices
  •  Compost Connector Grants – Compost Amendment

Community Alliance of Family Farms – Farmer Funding Opportunities Database

  • CAFF also provides Technical Assistance for grant programs


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