ARCD Speak-Off Competition - Groundwater Recharge

The ARCD hosted a speak-off competition in September asking high school students to speak on the topic of groundwater. This year's topic was: "California climate is changing, and groundwater recharge will be important to ensure water for future generations. Are there other natural resource benefits to groundwater recharge projects and how can RCDs help? What local or regional examples can you point to and how have these examples helped your community?"
The ARCD had three competitors and all of them did a fantastic job. The first place winner, Lily Himmel, is invited to compete at the California Association of RCD's statewide competition in Sacramento this December. First, second, and third places were all awarded cash prizes and a certificate from the Amador RCD. It was great to see these talented young people that are so well-spoken taking an interest in natural resources!